
Purchasing a New Bike

If you haven’t purchased a bicycle in a while, you may want to brace yourself for this one: A new bike can cost anywhere from $300 to $15,000.

That said, biking can save you a lot of money too – in transportation and parking costs as well as health benefits. Once you recover from sticker shock, there are a number of other considerations to be made when purchasing a new bicycle.

At and Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers, our bike accident lawyers know that choosing the right bicycle can go a long way in helping to prevent an accident. When you have a bicycle that is appropriate for the terrain and fits you the way it’s supposed to, you not only will get greater performance, you’ll be safer for it.

There are many unique goals and factors to be weighed. For example:

  • Adult vs. children
  • Men vs. women
  • Athletes vs. commuters
  • Commuters vs. recreational cyclists

Finding an affordable bicycle that meets all or most of your needs can be an uphill challenge, but certainly not an impossible one.

Step 1: Consider Your Budget

You will first need an idea of how much you can spend.

If it turns out you don’t have enough to buy a brand new bicycle, you may consider combing through person-to-person sales for a used bicycle. If you do this, make sure you have the bicycle checked out by a local bike shop to ensure it is in good shape before taking it out. It may require some new parts and you’ll need to purchase a helmet. Factor in those costs into your calculation.

If you decide to go for a new bicycle, you may be able to find one for under $100, but it may not last long. You may consider using Boston’s low-cost public bike-sharing service, Hubway, until you can save up for a better bike.

Having a budget in mind before heading out is important because otherwise, you could easily end up spending much more than necessary.

Step 2: Consider Your Goals and Purpose

A person interested in mountain biking is going to probably need a different bike than someone just looking to get to and from work or school.

This will dictate the type of bicycle you purchase.

There are many different kinds of bicycles, but the four main categories you are likely to choose from include:

  • Road Bikes – These are bikes designed to be ridden fast on smooth pavement. The tires are skinny and smooth. The handlebars are in a “drop” position. The frame of a road bike is typically lighter than other types of bicycles. They can be ridden on paved trails, but most find them uncomfortable and even unstable on trails that aren’t paved. They are typically not able to carry any type of heavy load.
  • Mountain Bikes – These models are designed for rough-riding on off-road trails. They usually are equipped with shock absorbers and the handlebars are typically flat. Although they are sometimes outfitted for use as commuter-style bikes, they are not as light as most traditional commuter or touring bikes.
  • Hybrid Bikes – These types of bicycles a cross between road bikes and mountain bikes. That can make them ideal for short-distance commutes. They aren’t right for rough, off-road mountain bike trails, but they aren’t quite as lightweight as most road bikes. The seats are typically padded and the handlebars are in a comfortable, upright position. There are also “performance hybrid bicycles,” which offer even more versatility for longer-route commuters.
  • Cruiser Bikes – These bikes are somewhat similar to hybrid bicycles in that they are great for casual riding. They feature large, comfortable seats and larger tires. Handlebars often arch back to the rider and most use the “coaster brake,” in which the rider moves the pedal backward to stop.

Other types of bicycles include: City bikes, BMS bikes, folding bikes, recumbent bikes, tandem bikes, adult tricycles and children’s bikes.

Step 3: Finding the Right Fit

When it comes time to actually purchase a bicycle, it’s best to buy from a local shop. That’s because while you can get an idea of price and features online, the only way to know if a bike is going to be a good fit is to try it out.

You need to know the bike fits you correctly, is comfortable and that you’ll understand how to operate it.

When considering fit, determine:

  • Reach to handlebar
  • Frame size
  • Saddle position
  • Seat height
  • Cleat placement

Bike shop workers should be able to offer you direction if you are unsure about any aspect and perhaps offer insight about things you may not have even considered.

If you have questions about what to do after a bicycle accident, call our offices today.

Contact the Boston Bicycle Accident Lawyers at Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers and at 617-777-7777.

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